Forza Motorsport (Xbox Series X)

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            Series : Forza
         Developer : Turn 10 Studios
             Genre : Racing games
          Graphics : Ray Tracing
      Release Info : Xbox Game Pass

      Achievements :

not completed.
🍒 Xbox Series X screenshot


  • I like how this game made practicing a track meaningful. Track practice is something I'm usually reluctant to do, because it's less fun than the race itself, but this game adds just enough gamification that it feels interesting:
    - You level up your car XP, which steadily unlocks upgrade parts, much like how you level up your gun in certain Call of Duty games.
    - You constantly get feedback about your performance in subsections of the track. These both help with upcoming races, but also keeps a steady flow of progress. Very nice.

  • I'm intrigued by how extremely configurable the challenge is in this game. Like other games such as Dirt Rally, you can set the opponent difficulty freely, along with the assists. But even better, you can also set your starting position in the field. All of these tweaks affect prize money in a reasonable way, so you're pushed to try to up the difficulty, disable the assists, and start further back in the field to get more money for cars. Very interesting design choices, and it allowed me to set my favorite type of challenge: Very dumb and slow opponents, no assists, and start a bit back in the field to have some fun fighting to get to first.

  • I love how tense the battles are when you're trying to get through the field. The other racers are not letting me through without a fight, and I can't just smash into them, because I'll get penalized, so I have to very carefully pick my openings.

Log entries

  • This is Forza Motorsport 8, confusingly named 'Forza Motorsport'. I played a little bit, the cars look nice with their raytraced reflections etc. I turned off most of the assists, but was a little annoyed with my car seeming to understeer a lot. I might just need a better car than the Honda Civic, I hear there are 500 of them to get.

  • 2023-10-25
  • I beat the Tutorial for Career Mode.

  • Won the Builders Cup with the Honda Civic.

  • I accidentally spent all my money from the cup on buying new cars, and now I have no money for buying one for the Practical Performance cup. I went into Free Play mode and did a few quick races with my 1957 Porsche 356A Speedster to earn some cash.

  • 2023-10-26
  • I bought a 2019 Hyundai Veloster N for the Practical Performance cup. I think it's a great looking car, and I'm enjoying racing it.

  • I won the Practical Performance Cup.

  • 2023-10-30
  • I won the Built for Sport Cup with the Porsche 718 Cayman.

  • I won the Super Sedans Cup with the Mercedes AMG E63 S.

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Main pages
Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.3.0 2024-05-07